- This is what I found when searching for articles and I’m going find out if this article is true or fake. This article is about the fashion retailer Shein, facing a lawsuit for allegedly producing, distributing, and selling the exact copies of three designers work.
- I went to check the source CTV News and its account had a gold checkmark beside it which means the account is verified.
- Next, I went on Wikipedia and searched CTV News. After reading the article I found out that CTV News is a pretty reliable news channel that also operates the 24-hour news channel CTV News Channel and the 24-hour national business news channel BNN Bloomberg. This shows that CTV News is a good source for news since it also operates two other popular channels.
- I did some research using snopes.com, however it only showed one article on Shein which was not related to the lawsuit.
- Finally, I searched “Shein lawsuit” on Google and it did not show many stories on the lawsuit so I searched “Shein lawsuit RICO violations” which showed several articles all about the lawsuit.
Therefore, based on all the evidence shown, this story is true and Shein received a lawsuit on RICO violations however we do not know if this continued and if Shein was charged.
Here is the link to the article: Shein hit with lawsuit citing RICO violations