In English, I demonstrated my communication and collaboration skills during our Short Stories project and Shakespeare play. I communicated with the group members on my ideas for each project and we were successful when working together. I also demonstrated critical and reflective thinking in my paragraph compositions. I was able to include strong evidence to support my reasoning while staying on topic. This allowed me to improve my writing skills and use transitional phrases which helped show specific conditions or intentions in my writing.
In textiles, I demonstrated creative thinking when I worked on my projects. We were given choice projects to choose our own design to create a garment and I chose to make a pleated skirt and a scarf with very even rows and tension. The skirt I created had even pleats and an invisible zipper on the side, so you only saw the fabric. This made it aesthetically pleasing and more durable than normal zippers since they are less likely to catch onto other garments and get stuck. For the hoodie project, I decided to add a Cricut design which made me design the print and develop a new skill using transfer paper to place it on the hoodie. I also had to draw a flat sketch of the front and back of my design, accessorize it, match the colours correctly, and include a fashion illustration of my design which allowed me to demonstrate creative thinking.
My goal is to improve my communications skills further by being confident and continuously sharing my ideas with the class.