Commenting Guidelines

Hello, this is Chloe’s commenting guideline! Please show respect, kindness, and empathy when commenting on anyone’s posts. I believe no one deserves to be treated in an unpleasant way and that we should all consider the effects of writing the wrong comments.

  • Do not use abusive language.

Disrespectful commenting will not be tolerated at all and will be taken down as soon as possible.

  • No inappropriate language.

Any language that is not appropriate for a school website will somehow be deleted since this is a professional environment, and not somewhere to fool around.

  • Do not spam.

Spamming can be seen as disrespectful and unprofessional since I would like this platform to be realistic. Please refrain from posting random comments of any sort and using improper words.

  • Do not say anything you would not do in real life.

I understand some people believe expressing foul words is unchallenging online than when they are spoken in real life. It is a form of cyberbullying if one says disgraceful words so please do not say them online and in real life. If you do not have anything nice to say, refrain from saying them at all.


Example of respectful comment:

“Hi Chloe, I was really interested in your 90s RnB playlist and have began listening to it all day. Thank you for the recommendation and I look forward to meeting you in the future!”







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