Foods 9 Food Photography

This is my Foods 9 Food Photography assignment. Hope you enjoy!

(Just a teaser)



The first ‘photo shoot’ I did was with a teapot, a slice of cheesecake, my glasses, and some other things from around the kitchen.

I was originally just going to use the cheesecake and the teapot, but I wanted more colour to pop. First I added my rose gold glasses and cleaning cloth to accent the pink in the cheesecake, then I added some basil leaves as a garnish to add a bit of green (It wouldn’t taste very good, but it gave me what I was looking for). Finally I added a small detail to tie in the last bit of green; the tag on the tea bag (peppermint green tea).




For my second photo shoot (and also my favourite), I stuck with the same theme as the first, but simplified it.

No more tea pot and cheesecake, just a nice cup of tea on the dock.

For these pictures, I really wanted to focus on the simplicity of the cup, while also acknowledging the lake and mountain in the background. This is one of my favourite types of photos to take, where the camera is focused up close on an object, yet there’s still something to look at in the background.

The second part of this shoot was sort of to symbolize two things; don’t judge a book by it’s cover/too show your true colours, and too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

The first bit is kind of like this: you don’t know if something is good or bad just by looking at it. when you tip over a cup, you may try what you think is sugar, only to get a mouth full of salt.

And, I think ‘too much of a good thing’ is a bit self explanatory. Too much sugar=not good. While a bit of sugar in your tea can be nice, try half a cup, and prepare for a headache.




The third shoot I did was a ‘deconstructed pesto’.

For this picture, I wanted each ingredient to be separated on the plate, so there was still a lot going on, but in a ‘calm’ way, I guess. At first, I tried different angles from above, and the side, but none of them turned out as nicely as this one. The ingredients I used were pistchios, basil, garlic, parmesan and olive oil. I would’ve used pine nuts, but I didn’t have any.

This picture looked good, but also tasted good! When I was finished taking pictures, I cooked up the garlic, and since I didn’t have a blender, I put all the ingredients into a bowl and ate it like a salad. I was suprised that it actually tasted like fresh pesto! My sister on the other hand was surprised that I would eat it at all.




The last photo shoot I did was this:

In these pictures, I really tried to play with the lighting. The candles, chives, ginger and egg were  set up on a chair with a slotted back. the chair was faces away from the window, so the sun could shine through (in the second photo), and the other two were in the direct sunlight, or in the shade. I tried a few with the candles lit, but it was too bright and it didn’t work out as well.

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