Communication Critical Thinking

In Work Experience 12, I volunteered both at a tutoring center an with Park Spark, which was a great opportunity to develop my communication skills with people from all walks of life. I overcame social anxiety to give information on various events and advertise about our Jingle Bells night happening on the 21st of December.


Critical Thinking

In English Studies 12, I analyzed texts for concepts and literary devices. While I was already somewhat familiar with themes, it was eye opening to see how detailed some works were with literary devices, as most people don’t really notice them when reading but it really enhances the flow of pieces. My writing has been improved with this knowledge and I am more conscious about my word choice.

Amy’s Math Equation Generator (MicroBit)

So… it’s basically a device that generates equations

While I used subtraction in my example, it can also generate addition equations with the right code (The only reason I didn’t write that, or the multiplication and division codes was because it would take forever to draw all the numbers and scenarios… but if someone wanted them I might :)).


Here is an example on how the device is to be used, instructions, view from different angles, and the mechanics at work inside.

What is the overall topic and goal of your project?

I’ve read and seen quite a few articles and videos of children living in environments where they can’t get the education I have. Therefore, I decided to create a gadget that allows young kids to practice their math skills, that could function without internet, was durable, and takes up very little space.

What tool did you use and what did you learn about it?

I chose MicroBit because I am interested in artificial intelligence and coding, and it seemed like the most AI option. While I did do a bit of MicroBit Coding in Grade 7, it never went past the game tutorials. It was a fun challenge for me to create something new (it’s new as far as I know, which, admittedly, isn’t very far, so…) and I really enjoyed the process.

How has the process of utilizing this tool impacted your understanding of how technology can change (or help) the world?

Making the Equation Generator really made me realize that there isn’t much that I can do now that hasn’t already been done, and that what I made is very basic. The equation generator is a lot more limited and expensive than most websites that offer help with math. Still, devices like mine can replace humans in some places, giving humans the time needed to create even more complex and versatile devices. Regardless of what the future holds, I know that AI is going to play a large part in it.

Finding Gems in Nature

Ever since the pandemic started, I have been looking for ways to fill my schedule. Recently, my family has started going to Fraser River to pick agates. We rarely have the time, though, as each session takes around 6-8 hours and the areas are often combed over many times by the time we get there. In order to find agates among the ordinary rocks, one has to squat down and look at the rocks in the direction of the sun. Then, it is easy to pick out the agates since they are transparent. At the beginning, it is easy to confuse agates with ordinary quartz, but agates are much prettier and have better colors. Most of the agates my family found are around the size of an eraser, though there are some as small as a grain of sand, and some as large as a fist. While there are a variety of uses for agates, what I chose to do was to polish them with a tumbler. Currently, I’m working on polishing all the small ones to make an agate tree. In short, I think rock picking is a very interesting hobby, and I wonder if I should start a lapidary club.