Your Charles Best Digital Portfolio


Welcome to your Digital Portfolio at Dr. Charles Best. We provide a unique and innovative digital culture for all students to learn in. We are a 1:1 school which means each and every student and staff member uses a device to enhance teaching and learning, and most importantly, help prepare our students with tools and skills to be successful in the future. In order to ensure the success of the 1:1 program we have put in place a variety of support systems.

If you ever need assistance with technology please visit the Digital Literacy Room beside room 202. 


Our school uses Edublogs to document and showcase your learning and experiences at Dr. Charles Best.  You will use your blog to post work and assignments for classes, to post about your learning and experiences in your portfolio, and write reflections based on the Core Competencies.

Login to your blog here: 

Get Edublog support here: Edublogs User Guides

Office 365

All of our staff and students have FREE access to O365 tools. Our school uses these tools as one of our foundational platforms.

Login to O365 here:

Coquitlam Open Learning – Applications of Digital Literacy 10

At Dr. Charles Best, Grade 9 students will earn four credits for their work in developing digital literacy skills in the course, Applications of Digital Literacy 10. In their classes, students will be required to demonstrate the ability to efficiently and effectively navigate digital technologies while behaving ethically, responsibly and protecting personal security and privacy.


Digital Footprint

A digital footprint is the collection of all the traces you leave in electronic environments as you use or move through them. Some is content you actively volunteer—like your Facebook profile. Other material is passive—the cookies a site stores in your browser, the content your district collects about your use of their equipment, etc. All this data can be aggregated to build a profile of you and your behavior.

(Courtesy of

Tips for Creating a Positive Digital Footprint

  • Always THINK
  • Never post anything that you might find embarrassing later.
  • Be careful with the pictures you post on your public profiles. Remember others will see them and judge you based on their content.
  • Change the privacy settings on your social networking sites so that only your Friends can see your information
  • Do not disclose your personal address, phone number, passwords. Bank card numbers…etc even in private messages. There is always the possibility of somebody hacking into your account and finding them.
  • Do not post things to bully, hurt, blackmail, insult, or afflict any kind of harm on others
  • Always keep in mind that once information has been posted online, it can be almost impossible to remove because of archiving and file sharing. Even though you deactivate your accounts, the information may still be retrieved by others.

Recent Posts

Final Food Blog

Why Did you choose to prepare this dish?

I chose this dish because we made it in Foods this year and was one of my favourites. It tastes good although it might be very basic, but scrambled eggs are one of my favourite breakfast meals. I had just a little to much salt, so I had to figure out a way to use up all the salt I had. I thought why not add just a bit more salt to the eggs and at the end, they turned out perfect and just the right amount of salt. In my household, there are a number of ingredients I could’ve used. For instance, I decided to not put in pepper because I already put a tiny more salt in my dish and didn’t want it the taste of the eggs to be over run by salt and pepper.

Is there a story about the dish or recipe?

I attempted to recreate Ms. Deck’s recipe on scrambled eggs that she gave to us in class. She demonstrated this in front of us. I felt like I can make this dish easily as it seemed pretty simple enough. My mom makes me scrambled eggs almost every weekend and just always showed me how to make them. This showed how good and well made they are.

Did you have to make changes to the recipe?

I did have to make changes because of the salt added to the eggs. This caused me to not put in pepper as it would be to many spices. It would result in the egg being tasteless. This had an effect on the eggs as it had no peppery taste, only salt and egg. Next time I make this I will consider putting less salt and some pepper.

How did everything turn out?

When I make something my family is always impressed that I have cooked something, but they wanted me to take this foods class so I can learn how to cook. When they say me cooking they were shocked and surprised. I only cooked eggs once before not knowing Ms. Deck’s recipe and it did not turn out the best, but now while cooking her recipe, it tasted and looked cooked. Wasn’t over or under, but just at the right amount. Although my family and I found it really good, I would change to putting more pepper because I am a pepper guy and love the taste.

What Did you learn?

The mistakes I made was again putting to much salt, causing me to lose the pepper. Although I love pepper, the eggs without it were just as good. I learnt that Ms. Deck gives some of the best recipes you can find. I’d have to say these eggs were one of the best I have tasted so far. I grew from being not confident about my cooking to now being very confident and hopefully in the future I can make some of Ms. Deck’s awesome recipes.

On the left there you can see me cooking the eggs and on the right is my finished product. This took barely any time, but I just woke up and was dead tired, so I got my mom to wake up and take a picture then she went right back to sleep.

On the left is the salt I used and on the right is the tiny amount of oil. One time I cooked the eggs I didn’t put enough oil in the pan, so I got the eggs stuck, but it all worked out at the end.


  • salt
  • 3 eggs
  • a tiny bit oil in the pan
  • pepper
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