Adelaide’s Core Competency

Im biology 12 we demonstrate critical and creative thinking in labs and projects. In labs it’s important that we communicate with eachother due to the different roles and responsibilities such as being the photographer, at least 2 people to dissect  and one person to help identify and read the instructions. It’s also important that we remain patient with eachother due to the fact that for our first dissection we didn’t have much expirence with it so we had to think together to figure this out. Dissecting can also be a sensitive issue with some people as well so we tried our best to keep everyone calm and force them to do thinks that they didn’t want to do. Creative thinking is also used in the class a lot due to the fact that we have to draw dissections as well as have a visual memory to remember different diagrams and structures. In this class it’s important to be creative so you can easily remember long and confusing words such as: cerebral spinal fluid. It’s important to come up with mnemonic devices as well.

This is an example of a heart dissection lab. This is required after every dissection

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