digital literacy 10 assignment 4b

The article I saw online, is about the Eiffel Tower in Paris, on fire. This article was claiming that the tower eiffel caught on fire, and smoke was coming from the eiffel tower in the past days. The way that I verified this rumour, is by first checking the source of this claim, and the source was a video on tiktok that became famous. So already, it has a high potential to be fake. I went on some different verifying websites like tin.eye, etc. Then lastly, I did a search on google, and went on several different websites to see if it was a real claim or not. Through all these steps, I was able to conclude that this picture was AI generated and fake.

Toktwd post

On November 1st, TOKTWD, I went to school to work on my alternate assignment and finish all other homework. In the alternate assignment, I researched about similarities and differences between businesses, wrote about my workplace preference, and worked about the workplace environment of many different jobs. For example I wrote about how a city library workplace environment would look, smell, hear, feel and the ambience of it. I also did that for a hospital emergency room, and a construction site. Then I wrote a conclusion about how this alternate assignment helped me learn about many different workplace environments. At the end I cited my sources and handed in the assign.