Abby’s About Me
Welcome to Abby’s Blog
Hello! I’m a grade 9 student at Charles Best. I like baking, biking, camping and swimming. I love going on random walks especially at night. I have 3 brothers, 2 old and one younger. I hope you like my site.
My Favourite Quote
“To the world, you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world,”
The Dr. Seuss quote reminds us that we may feel small in the grand scheme of the world, but we could mean everything to someone else. Even if we don’t realize it our actions and words impact others’ lives. Connections with others is so important to me and most people.
My Favourite Youtube clip
My Favourite Youtube clip is this one of Billie Eilish singing Wildflower live. It’s one of my favourite songs and this performance stands out to me because it’s live and I like it even more than the studio recorded version.
My Favourite Photo
I chose these photos because they remind me of when me and my cousins went camping because we took these photos together. I love spending time with family. The sky looked so pretty on these days a nd the sounds of the water made me feel really at peace. I would love to go back to Porteau Cove.
My Favourite Website
My favourite website is LastFm
I chose this website because it tracks how many songs I listen to and what kind of songs. I can also see what my friends are listening to. It gives you a report at the end of the week of what you were listening too.