Core Competencies

After reflecting my growth through this semester, I demonstrated the following core competencies, Communication, creative thinking, & personal and social skills. In French 10, we created a French skit taking place in a café/restaurant where we had to show what it was like to order in a francophone setting. This was a great demonstration of communication because I was able to express what I wanted to order in another language, exchange words (have mini conversations in French successfully), and effectively do this while recording the whole process. In addition, I can talk to my peers about what I did/am going to do on the weekend, what I like/to do etc. in French when we do our P-P-P oral activity in the morning. Secondly, in Studio arts 3D we have currently made an abundance of hands-on projects including statues out of foam blocks, clay, and chopsticks. This was an accurate example of creative thinking and critical thinking. For example, I made the character “Branch” from Trolls out of foam blocks. This was very challenging for me which encouraged me try to use critical thinking instead of giving up; as a result, I created solutions when I came across problems, I created the design that wasn’t easy but was able to make me try harder, and I asked for help from the teacher when I needed it. When I created a piece using chopsticks by gluing them together. I showed my creative thinking because I was able to create a project without many instructions, I made it look interesting by mixing colors etc. Finally, in CLE 10, I demonstrated positive personal and cultural identity from a work life balance project. In this project, I created how I would see myself in 20 years (what would my occupation be, do I have a partner, kids, own a business etc.) this demonstrates this competency because I know my personal values and great at making choices which means I can build a successful life for myself based on what I want and knowing who I am. To conclude, I have shown a lot of growth from the beginning of the semester to now.

Core Competencies


Creative Thinking

            One of my strengths that I have developed throughout this school year is creative thinking. When creating my ideas I try to build off of my peers’ ideas to create a unique and different idea. An example of my creative thinking includes projects/assignments I’ve done in the series of my classes. For instance, I designed an inquiry in math about a problem/event that is going on in the world that interests me and creating a deep-thinking question to answer using statistics like graphs and pictures. During this time, many of my peers were doing their projects on wildfires, poverty, inflation, mental health etc. As a result, I built off of the ideas that were brainstormed, and I thought to myself “what is something that none of my classmates have thought of?” Suddenly the thought of the Covid-19 pandemic came to mind. In addition, I also believe I demonstrate this competency in foods class. In this class, we do different labs where we can design a type of food. This means we can customize what we put into it, how we cook it, how we present it etc. I believe this shows my creative thinking because I can contribute all my ideas and others to then combine everything into one. A final example i think i demonstrated this competency is my business & marketing class. in this class i created my own food truck. i used creative thinking for this while designing my truck. for example, designing the menu, design on the exterior, target market, and how I advertise.



            This second competency is both a strength and a stretch that I think I have worked on to improve and developed through this year. A form of communication I’m proud of is my food philosophy I worked on in my foods class as well. This assignment is something that I worked on about my cultural identity and food. In this philosophy, I would want someone to notice how it communicates about Filipino food and how it extinguishes between other cultural foods (differences, similarities etc.) during the start of this year, I didn’t really step out of my comfort zone to contribute to class discussions because I wasn’t very familiar with this environment; however, I think I show growth in communication specifically my social studies class. Mostly, but not often I step out of my comfort zone and contribute my answer or idea to the class. Not only do I do this to step out of my comfort zone, but I also encourage myself do it, so my classmates can see that they’re able to step out of their zone too.

Coast Salish Art Part.2

My Hand Drawn Coast Salish Animal:

My Digital Coast Salish Animal:

How has your awareness of Coast Salish Art in our community changed? Be specific and give at least one example.

My awareness of Coast Salish Art has changed in many ways. I gained the understanding of that there is always some type of meaning behind this type of art including the shapes and where they are placed. Coast Salish Art is based of 6 different shapes. The circle, oval, crescent, extended crescent, trigon, and the U-form each have a significance for where they are placed. For example, the circle is placed for the animal’s eyes and where it’s joints connect which is what I tried to include in my animal. The u-form is typically used for a fish’s tail; however, I used it on the raven’s wings as feathers. Now, when I see a piece of Coast Salish Art in the community, I will be able to understand and recognize the meaning behind the art and the places the shapes were put.


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Information Fluency Paragraph- The Impact of Social Media

My Paragraph: For my topic, I chose to write/research about the impact of social media on others. From this, I learned a large amount of fascinating information. For example, young girls and women generally from the ages of 15-30 are most likely aren’t satisfied with their appearance. This is because of the beauty standards that were placed for them to fit into society (a symmetrical face, clear skin, small nose, flat stomach etc.) and seeing girls/women who have these good features everyone wants. However, after reading this piece of information I wondered if these girls who are able to meet the expectations of the beauty standards compare themselves to others as well even though we find them perfect. Further more, I also learned that what you watch and how long you watch it can also affect how you feel about your appearance. It can make you feel better, or worse. For instance, if someone watched TikTok videos with girls who exceed the beauty standards for 10 minutes, they would be more aware of their insecurities than someone who was watching TikTok but about self-care. In conclusion, sometimes social media isn’t good and I wonder how life would be if social media never existed.

AI Paragraph: Social media significantly influences the appearance of young girls and women, shaping their perceptions of beauty and self-worth. Constant exposure to carefully curated images on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat creates unrealistic beauty standards that young girls feel pressured to conform to. These platforms showcase flawless faces, perfect bodies, and glamorous lifestyles, leading many young girls to compare themselves unfavorably and develop negative body image issues. Moreover, the culture of likes, comments, and followers on social media fosters a sense of validation tied to physical appearance, driving girls to seek external approval and validation through their looks. As a result, they may resort to extreme measures such as excessive makeup, cosmetic procedures, or unhealthy dieting habits in pursuit of the idealized image perpetuated by social media. This constant pursuit of perfection can have detrimental effects on their mental health and well-being, contributing to feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and low self-esteem. It’s essential to promote body positivity, self-acceptance, and digital literacy among young girls to help them navigate the influence of social media on their appearance in a healthy and empowering way.

Because it was super easy to get a paragraph written about my topic in seconds, my experience with AI was effortless. This paragraph generated by AI was accurate and mostly had the same points I made in my paragraph and had reliable facts. This exercise was useful and it helped me with my learning by making sure to check new facts that are given to me by AI to make sure it’s true or not. My results were expected because I figured it would have the same point in my paragraph; however, the AI paragraph was definitely had more variety of words.





Break the Fake II – Big Ben is on Fire

I found this video on Tik Tok of the Big Ben on fire. I couldn’t tell if it was true or false because it looked pretty real! So, I will use some sources to find out if it is legit.

—> Check the Source

I found the source of the video which is not a verified source. This source has multiple other videos’, but they are not related to the Big Ben.

—> Verify the Source

After finding the source, I proceeded to verify the source; as a result, I did not find any websites to verify this source.

—> Use Fact Checking Tools

Because I could not verify the source, I used Snopes to see if it could debunk this rumor. As I did this, once again it did not provide me with anything related to Big Ben on fire.

—> Check Other Sources

Since Snopes has not given me anything, I decided to check for more sources. I searched “Big Ben on fire Hoax” and I discovered that the video is fake after all. The video was made by AI technology.

I can conclude that this post was false. It has been generated with the high technology we have today also known as AI. This was also proven by a webcam located near the Big Ben which showed it standing and not on fire.

Take Your Kid To Work Day

For TOKTWD I went to work with my mom who works at a retirement group home.

During my visit there, I got to experience many things. When we arrived my Mom’s boss gave me a tour of the building and some information about the residents day to day life’s. There are six people who live in the group home. Everyday their routine stays the same. They wake up, take their medicine, eat their breakfast, free time (karaoke, movies, bingo etc.), community outing (mall, bowling, library etc.), go back to the retirement home and eat lunch, take their medicine again, more free time, then they eat dinner, and lastly the workers prepare them for bed. On Nov 1st, I got to experience how their routine goes everyday. To start, I watched my mom serve the seniors their breakfast. Because some are not cable to feed themselves like others, my mom and her co-workers had to assist those who needed assistance. After breakfast, I  helped host a game of BINGO which was super fun to observe. When the game of BINGO finished, I went out with my Mom, her co-workers, and a few of the residents to Tim Hortons. Some of them bought coffee and donuts while others were reading a book and just tagged along with us. Lastly, I got to see their night time routine. Something different I got to see was a ceiling lift.  Since some residents are unfortunately in wheelchairs they are not capable to get into their beds; however, the workers are not able to carry them into the bed, so they use the ceiling lift to get them in and out of the bed.

Pictures Of The Workplace:

This is where the residents eat, play games etc.

This is what their bathtub looks like. Since the seniors do not have the strength to sit up, the tub has a chair for them to lay on.

1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 1st?

When I first arrived at work it was very noisy. There was a group of seniors singing “I have A Dream” by ABBA while another group of seniors was playing BINGO in the room next door. I saw three seniors sitting on deck chairs outside and they were talking to each other while they were drinking coffee. In the work environment I felt happy and sad at the same time. I felt happy because I never really understood what my mom does, and it was amazing to see her take care of other people who cannot do it themselves. It was sad to see how the seniors could not take care of themselves anymore. They needed someone to feed them, bathe them, help them get in and out of bed etc. However, I am glad that there are people like my mom who can help them.

2. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work?

Something that would motivate me to wake up every day to attend work is having a simple conversation with the seniors, seeing them smile when they see us arrive at work, and empowering them to make their life as normal as possible. When my mom and I arrived at the retirement home, I saw this lady named Donna and when she saw my mom her face lit up and she was smiling from ear to ear spreading her arms for my mom to hug her. Having a conversation with them would also motivate me to attend work. While I was observing my mom working with one of the seniors, they were having a simple conversation together about how their day was. Even if it were just a hello or how are you, I could tell it meant something more to them. Trying to empower them also motivates me to show up to work. When I say empower, I mean to intergrade them into the community. Just because some of them have disabilities does not mean they are not normal like we are.

3. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work?

Something that would discourage me from waking up every morning to attend work is nothing. Nothing would discourage me from going to work at the retirement home because they made my visit feel like I was at a family gathering and everyone was having fun. I was helping my mom host a game of bingo and everyone was having so much fun including me. When someone got a bingo, their smiles could light a room up it was the sweetest thing ever.

4. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit?

One thing I found interesting about my workplace visit was that the seniors had their own chores to do. I found this interesting because I did not expect them to have chores. Some of them would take out the recycling, fold clothes etc. When they do their chores like folding the laundry, obviously it is not as neat; however, they assign them chores to make them feel normal. As I said, their mission is to integrate them into the community and that starts by letting them do stuff that we do even if it is not to the best of their ability.