About Me

Welcome to the blog of Aberey. I’m a student, a music lover, and a food lover.

My Favorite Quote:

“If you can’t fly run, if you can’t run walk, if you can’t walk crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

                                                         – Martin Luther King Jr

This quote is meaningful to me because of the message behind it. Even if it’s hard for you to move forward, you have to try to grow and to keep moving on from the past even if you take it one step at a time.


Favorite Video:

I chose this video because I got to have the opportunity to share my poem I wrote in front of my whole middle school. My poem was about body image, insecurities and stereotypes. Girls and boys have there own stereotypes like girls have to be skinny in order to get a boyfriend while guys always have to be tough and can’t cry.


A Picture I like:

SZA - YouTube

I chose this picture because I love to listen to music, specifically SZA. I listen to other artist, however SZA is one of my favorites artist to listen to.


Favorite Website:https://www.bcchr.ca/

My favorite website is the BC Children Hospital fundraiser for cancer. I chose this website because it a great website to give to others and help them. Most of us were very lucky to live a great childhood, while others had their whole childhood in the hospital. To help those kids and live a childhood like others had would be a great experience for them.


