I found this video on Tik Tok of the Big Ben on fire. I couldn’t tell if it was true or false because it looked pretty real! So, I will use some sources to find out if it is legit.
—> Check the Source
I found the source of the video which is not a verified source. This source has multiple other videos’, but they are not related to the Big Ben.
—> Verify the Source
After finding the source, I proceeded to verify the source; as a result, I did not find any websites to verify this source.
—> Use Fact Checking Tools
Because I could not verify the source, I used Snopes to see if it could debunk this rumor. As I did this, once again it did not provide me with anything related to Big Ben on fire.
—> Check Other Sources
Since Snopes has not given me anything, I decided to check for more sources. I searched “Big Ben on fire Hoax” and I discovered that the video is fake after all. The video was made by AI technology.
I can conclude that this post was false. It has been generated with the high technology we have today also known as AI. This was also proven by a webcam located near the Big Ben which showed it standing and not on fire.