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My Coast Salish artMy Coast Salish art. My Coast Salish art gave me more awareness when I was learning about the different shapes they used in Coast Salish art and in many things I own I started recognizing the shapes and their meanings like in this logo......
Coast Salish Art ReflectionIn the past I was taught very little if not anything at all about Coast Salish art. But after our recent DL session during I-Week I now have a different perspective of their art. I used to think that the shapes were just randomly mixed up and created. However, now I understand there are 3 main shapes (ovals/circles, trigons and crescents/extended crescents). To further add to my knowledge, the activity which we had to draw Coast Salish art by hand and in Inkscape helped me even more to understand the meanings and helped me appreciate more the unique art of Coast Salish....
Cost salish art reflectionHow has your awareness of coast Salish art in our community changed? This coast Salish art assignment has shown me the meanings of coast Salish art, with the shapes each having their own story to tell in the drawing of the animal. My view of coast Salish art has changed so much from learning what has to go into a coast Salish drawing to make it your own spirit animal. ...
Coast Salish Art Reflection & PostMy awareness of Coast Salish art in our community has grown because I now recognize its presence and significance in public spaces. For example, I recently saw a Coast Salish design on a totem pole near a community center. Before, I might not have paid much attention to it, but now I understand that these artworks share important stories about Indigenous culture and history. This has helped me appreciate the role of Coast Salish art in honoring traditions and educating people about the land we live on.
Coast Salish ArtBefore starting this assignment I knew nothing about this coast Salish community nor their traditions. After completing this assignment I learnt about one of the many cultural traditions of the coast Salish people, their art. I now understand the meaning of the different shapes and what they represent, this allows me to have a deeper understanding of the art while looking at it and let's me appreciate the thought and meaning that goes into it. Here is the orca I drew using the techniques we were taught in coast Salish art. ...
Coast Salish Art PostMy awareness of Coast Salish Art in our community has improved significantly. Before doing this artwork, I thought the shapes and the unique art style doesn’t mean a lot to me and thought the artworks were just looking pretty and unique. After summited this artwork, it made me understand the culture, history and identity of the Coast Salish peoples. Each different shapes of the artwork stores their backstories and meanings that reflect their traditions and connections to the lands....