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Take your kids to work dayOn TYKTWD, I went with my dad to visit the building of the agrciultural company he works for. For the first part of the day, he showed me around their lab space, where they tested their protoctype products on different types on plants and/or crops around the world. Then, he took me to the office section, where he introduced me to some of his collegues and I saw the meeting rooms, the office cubicles and the company lounge (full of snacks). After that, I worked on he assignment while he attended a meeting. By now its midday, so he took me to the place where he often gets burritos when he commutes to the office. After, we came back to the company buildings, and we visited the workshop, where they have 3d printers and laser cutters (very cool). Lastly we visited the product invention place. They had numerous rooms with chemicals, machines and a lot of cool technology everywhere. ...
Take Your Kids to Work DayTOKTWD On November 6th I went to my Dad's work office. My dad works for the federal government. During the day, I sat in his office while he took calls and managed his work. It was a really eye opening experience. I didn't truly understand what actual "work" is but after going to my Dad's workplace I now have a better perspective of what work truly is. I am appreciative of what my Dad does for his job daily, he must commute at least 1h a day by sky train alongside a 10 minute walk to his office....
Block 4 Digital Literacy Assignmenthttps://www.canva.com/design/DAGW47fHfVk/igA4KIGzo_EonP2MSN1Ogg/view 1. Connecting core competencies I chose creative thinking as my core competency because this assignment required me to use my deep and creative mind in order to achieve good results and to acquire what was needed. This core competency is related to this assignment because you have to think deeply and find the most creative recipe as well as choosing a suitable template and design to show the presentation and ideas clearly....
My Science Project[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://mycharlesbest.sd43.bc.ca/girishs/files/2024/11/NEw-version-.2.mp4"]
Block 4 Digital Literacy Assignmenthttps://www.canva.com/design/DAGWzNj1uvs/UUzruVf_2Vx62pxetbEJNg/view 1.Connecting Core Competencies I chose creative thinking as my core competency because this assignment required me to use my creative mind to do well on it. The relation between the assignment and the core competency is that in order to make a nice slideshow, you need to think of creative ideas and choose a good template to show the ideas clearly....
Block 4 Digital Learning AssignmentThis semester, my block 4 class is French. For this project we had to write a personal journal/diary as if we were our chosen historical figure. I chose to do Madame de Sévigné. Madame de Sévigné was an inspirational French author, known for the letters she wrote to her daughter Francois. Our goal for the Digital Learning aspect of this project was to learn and perfect the different parts and components of Canva....