Information Fluency | Basketball

Hello! For my Information Fluency project, I chose Basketball.

Basketball is a game played between two teams. Each team has five players, although if your playing scrimmages with friends, you can have any amount of people. The game is played by shooting, or tossing, a large ball into a raised basket that is about 10 feet high (one on each side.) You can only move the ball toward the basket by bouncing, dribbling, or passing to a teammate. The game is won by the team with the most points at the end of the time limit. Basketball is one of my favorite sports for many reasons. First, you can play basketball with any number of people, or even yourself. If you want to play by yourself to get better, you can practice shooting, layups, or dribble moves. If more people want to play u can split them up and make 2 teams, this way, no one gets left out. Second, it involves using your whole body which is good for physical health. You need your legs to run and jump, your arms to dribble, shoot, etc. and you also need to communicate with your team. Communicating is a major part in basketball it can help you communicate in other sports or situations you may come across. Finally, when playing basketball, there is always something new to learn so it never gets old. There is always surprises and that is what makes it fun. Fun Fact: Did you know basketball was invented by a Canadian?



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