Guidelines for commenting on my posts

Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog. Please be respectful and considerate when commenting on my posts. I’ve written some guidelines to help you comment on my posts respectfully and considerately.

  • Constructive criticism only. Critique the idea, not the person
    • please don’t critique me and what I am doing wrong and judging me but instead give constructive critisism on how to improve my work and what I could have done differently.
  • Comments should be at least 2-5 sentences, not less
    • I think that your comments should be at least 2 – 5 sentences because then you can give me detailed feedback on what I could do better.
  • Treat people the way you want to be treated
    • If you comment on my post, please don’t be rude and say negative things about my posts because I am sure you would not like that if someone did that to you.
  • Use good grammar and spelling. Mistakes cause readers to focus on how you write, not your ideas.
    • Good grammar with help me understand your point more easily and won’t get me confused and tied up on what you were trying to comment on my post.

Sample: My blog post about my science project

“Hello Renee, this project looks really good. You described the project really well, and it very easy to understand what you are trying to show. The coloring is very neat. Maybe next time explain this section a bit more. It wasn’t as descriptive as the rest.”


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