Quarter 3 Assignment

An assignment I was proud of for this term was from Graphics 9. First, we had to find 15 images and 15 words that describe ourselves to put in our ‘bucket.’. Then we created a design out of the images and text chosen from the bucket. We had to then design a phone case for our own ‘brand’ which included pictures that are related to me or represent who I am. I am proud of this assignment because I feel like I did well on it, and I chose the right types of graphic elements to put in the design. I think I also followed the ‘golden rules’ of graphic design and avoided some of the mistakes that we were taught from before.


French 9 Assignment

For French, we had to make a project on a Francophone country. I chose Mexico. We had to include 5 points, including a description of the country and the food there (in French.) I have not learned French before this year, but I still got a decently high mark. I am proud of this assignment since I did pretty well in researching and translating all my written notes into French. Researching on all of the topics was also a challenge since Mexico didnt have a lot of French background.


Project: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18Sz_pT-x8NO4Fm2_cwm6AmJpg_aaF7XX4V83fNl9vyc/edit?usp=sharing

Science 9- Mitosis

One of the final projects we had to do in Science 9 was make a stop-motion movie or animation explaining the steps of Mitosis.

I made an animation using Adobe Animate. I’m very proud of it because it look me very long to make and the outcome was good. It is also one of the best-animated projects I had made. It wasn’t choppy like some of my other work. I hope you enjoy watching it! 😀