Microbit part 2

Ways that we can improve our device would be to have the device spell out HYDRATE in case the colour is not noticeable. Making the device a band would also improve it because this will make the device portable and more convenient to put on different bottles. Another way to make the device helpful would be to have it flash lights or beep when you are almost out of water because it will be a helpful reminder to get a refill. Making these changes will most likely solve any loose ends of trial and error. The device can also calculate the amount of water that has been consumed for the day which will let you know if you need to drink more water or if you are getting a good amount. With these changes made I believe that our device will be a success!

Microbit part 1

My partner and I found that we both have a problem of not drinking enough water throughout the day which causes us to have migraines and be dehydrated often. This problem sparked an idea of having a device that we could design to solve the problem. We want to create something portable that we can attach to our water bottle that would remind us to drink water and would solve our problem. This device would have a light sensor which would catch our attention to hydrate every hour. We were thinking that it could be attached as a band to fit around the bottle and could even glow when we need to drink more water.