My Favorite Website

My favorite website is probably YouTube because I learn many new stuff on it, or simply just to entertain myself. I even sometimes prefer it over TV.  I watch videos from science experiments to trick shots to gaming videos. Some of my favorite YouTubers are Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and MrBeast (there are many more but I can’t list them all, or else its going to fill up the whole page).

A Picture that has Impacted Me


This is my favorite image for a couple of reasons. The first reason is because it is my favorite holiday. Every time I look at this picture, all I can think of is happiness. The second reason is because I get to spend lots of time with my family at this time of year. When I look at it, I always feel warm, not because of the fire in this picture, but because of all the fun things I do with my family during Christmas. The third and final reason is because I usually travel at this time of year. So when I look at this picture, it reminds me of all the happy memories during the trip. So, when I look at this picture, it makes me feel several different independent feelings.

My Favorite YouTube Clip

I don’t really have a favorite YouTube clip, but probably the most helpful one to me is a video of all the famous pieces Frédéric Chopin composed because I play the piano and it motivates me to play all his famous works, one by one. It is also my favorite piece because it helps me concentrate when I am working on homework and projects.

My Favorite Quote

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!'”  -Audrey Hepburn

This is my favorite quote because every time I see this quote, it encourages me to put more effort into my homework, projects and assignments. I am a type of person that often needs encouraging. But after one day I saw this quote, I believe that truly, nothing is impossible. If you try hard enough and look at things at a different way, maybe you can see that anything is possible, just like what you did with this quote!