Microbit Create

Yena and I had a hard time choosing an idea that we could create, code and develop into something better. We had ideas for money counters/ banks or earthquake sensors, bu they had either already been created or been a little too difficult to code and create. We have finally decided on out “temperature tile” which we have explained on our microbit design post. Currently we are having the challenge of deciding what would be used to create the heat sensor for the actual temperature. We were thinking just LED lights would be easier, but that defeats the purpose of the thermometer portion. As we continue to create and code our design, I think ideas will come to us as we go.

Mircobit Design

My partner Yena and I have the idea to use a tile like design for fevers and sickness. Our idea was that it would be like a thermometer, but would take less time to test for a fever/sickness. It would be a quick method for little children who can’t sit still. The design would kind of replicate the size and design of the tile, that has already been invented for finding phones and car keys. As the tile is designed, it is small and compacted, but still does an excellent job for what it is. The mechanics of it will have to include a temperature sensor, LED lights, and the microbit itself. The front of our temperature tile will be the LED lights showing the temperature and the back will be the sensor to sense the temperature.

So that’s the idea of the design, for it to be small but still useful.