Light Sensor

We’re also trying to make it notify our phone or make a sound so that we know someones entering the room when the light from the hallway brightens the room. If we can make the microbit detect different lightings, then we figure out how to make it notify our phone or make a sound.


About me

My name is Dylan, I am Korean, I can speak 3 languages, and I play sports. The languages I speak are, Korean, English, and French. The sports I play are, soccer and more but not competitively.


My favorite quote is “grind don’t stop” by me myself, because it reminds me to always go do some sort of physical activity or if its during a bunch of tests then I study hard.


My favorite website is probably any website with decent entertaining games on it. Because after I come home from school or where ever, then I can relax and play unless I get mad at the game.


Image result for soccer

I chose this picture because I’m passionate about soccer, when it comes to soccer I take it really seriously and sometimes I goof around but I’m a big fan about soccer.


I don’t really have a favorite video or a specific one to show anyone but i do like music… so I chose this one because this is the song I listen to most.