Microbit project part 2

I met up with my partner again and we discussed some ways to improve our microbit project. We thought that instead of it just buzzing when your ready to collect water it could somehow text you or make a loud sound so that you dont have to be close or in range of the sensor to know that your ready to collect water. I’m not sure if this is possible but I think it would really improve our project.

Microbit project part 1

My partner and I decided to use a moisture sensor as a way to help people in countries that experience extreme droughts or to help you control the amount of water you use to water your crops so there’s no waste. We thought that you could stick the moisture sensor into the ground attached to the microbit and code it to buzz or make a sound to let you know that there is enough or too little water. You could stick it in a dried up river in dry season so when it buzzes you know that your ready to collect water. Lack or food and water is quite a big problem is certain countries so I think this could help with this problem.