About Me

My Favorite Quote:

“Life is like riding a bicycle; in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

-Albert Einstein


My Favorite YouTube Clip:

I chose this clip because Rosie MacLennan has inspired me to be a better trampoline athlete.

 A Picture that has Impacted Me:

I chose this picture because it reminds me of my cat Tigger and how he has been a huge part of the family environment.

Image result for bengal cat

 My Favorite Website:



  • The History or Your Birthday: 
  • In 2004 a year before I was born on the game show Jeopardy! contestant Ken Jennings lost after 74 consecutive wins. It is the longest winning streak in game-show history, earning him a total of over $3 million dollars .


  • Create a wordle about yourself: click here, begin creating a wordle about you. Do not use your last name or any identifying features. Simply, enter a list of 10-15 words that you think describe you e.g caring, intense, and words the describe your hobbies and things you like to do. Once you have created the wordle, click on the link download to SVG, copy the URL and insert it in your blog post. Once in your blog post, go to the HTML section and adjust the height and width to make it fit your page.

One thought on “About Me

  1. You have done a good job constructing your page and have integrated media and text quite well. Please provide a little description about yourself at the beginning.