Microbit part 2

After we met up once the LED cup natureLED started to work and everything started to be in place. we figured the colors that we wanted to do and the placement and where everything is supposed to go.we got the colors like red and blue to work and now we’re trying to get other colors to come out like yellow or green. We had a kinda rough time doing the project but everything worked out at the end


microbit part 1

Microbit part 1


Me and my partner were originally planning to do clothing with energy attached to it and had a whole plane but while we were planning were realized that there were so many problems happening and occurring during the process and there were so many materials we needed to finish the electric clothing. Me and my partner decided to change our project last minute to do a LED cup called natureLED, its LED lights around the cup and it lights up into different color by the micro bit.


We decided to do the natureLED cup because LED lights are really in with teenagers so we decided to mix something everyone likes with something they need to like DRINKING WATER.a lot of kids these days don’t drink enough water and it is so bad for their body, kids would replace their water with Starbucks or bubble tea, so me and my parents wanted something trendy plus healthy to make. We kinda thought of this as more in a business way than some microbit project.