Climate Change

This is my infographic about Climate change, what it is, what we can do and what its doing.

My device letting me upload the photo so I can only do the link.

Climate change (1)

What is the overall topic and the goal of your project? 

To inform people about the effects of climate change and how it will change our world in the near future. I feel like Climate change is becoming a big part of our lives, and it doesn’t get enough attention. The effect of this global phenomenon is going to be catastrophic. Even now you can see the effects, how the glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. 


What sites did you use to collect your data and create the infographic and what did you learn about it? 

I used Our World in Data, when searched for information on climate change on this site, it gave me straight forward real data. It has statistics, graphs and charts to help me visualize and comprehend the large numbers  

The infographic was difficult to create because of the visual aspect, how I want it to look good while maintaining all of the information that I would need to include.  

I learnt a lot about this topic while researching it, which was really cool because when I was younger, I loved doing research about climate change. I learnt that to mitigate or to make it less severe you would need to spend at least €200-350 billion per year by 2030. The fact is that fossil fuels still dominate the global energy systems, even though they release co2 which is the leading factor in climate change. 


How has the process of utilizing these sites impacted your understanding of how technology can change (or help) the world? 

These sites have helped in multiple ways, especially giving me access to so many reliable sources. Technology can and is changing the world because of the way that it gives the information of a thousand books in just one click. When I was researching my topic, I saw so many sources that I could pull from. 

Why learn about climate change.

Now as we have grown up into, is a world that is more aware of what is happening. Our world is changing, and its not for the better. The world is heating up and we have to do something about it, not just for your self but for the 8 other billion people on this Earth. We only have one after all.


Ritchie, Hannah. “How Much Will It Cost to Mitigate Climate Change?” Our World in Data, 27 May 2017,

Ritchie, H., Roser, M., & Rosado, P. (2022, October 27). Fossil fuels. Our World in Data.

Ritchie, H., Roser, M., & Rosado, P. (2022b, October 27). Renewable energy. Our World in Data.

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