On Wednesday, November 6th, I spent the day with my cousin at his job as a general clerk in No Frills. I started my day by eating breakfast which consisted of fruits, oatmeal, and hot chocolate. I then went to the workplace with my cousin, he showed me the place and gave me a tour around. What my cousin does for work is that he assists costumers and helps them find their needs, arrange shelves, and store supplies. My cousin and I stored some supplies, and we helped costumers find what they needed. He then had a 15 minute break, so we decided to go to Starbucks and get a drink. After we finished drinking our beverages we headed back to the workplace to keep helping costumers and arranging the supplies. After a long while, he had another break so we went for a walk and ate a quick snack.

  1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 6th? Use details

I heard people talking and discussing things with each other. I saw lots of different foods, products and people. I smelt vegetables and fruits like oranges and onions.  I felt calm, comfortable and curious.  

  1. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work? Why?

Seeing the different faces and hearing the different voices of people as well as providing people with help would motivate me to work every day as it gives me a sense of purpose and helping others. 

  1. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work? Why? If the work becomes repetitive with few opportunities and chances for variety or developing skills as it can lead to boredom and a lack of challenge would make the job feel unpleasing.


  1. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit? Why?

The different types of people that are working all come from different backgrounds and cultures as well as they all interact with one another differently or similarly because it shows that everyone has a different identity, and they all have different stories and origins which is interesting. 

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