Take Your Kid to Work Day

My Take your kid to work day summary:

For Take Your Kid to Work Day, I decided to go to Hillcrest Middle School, with my old teacher Poth. In the morning at Hillcrest I signed in as a Guest and met up with Poth as well as a few other students from Charles Best go to his class. When we got into his class, I realized that he had switched from a Class Teacher to an Explorations Teacher. And is now teaching a Ceramic unit in Art class. I got to take a look at most of these projects and was impressed by how detailed and unique they were. To start the day, Poth got a few projects out of the kiln, placed their ceramic bowls in sorted spots for each class around the room, and let me help as well. He then started to prepare a lesson for a small art magazine collage, where we both went through material for each class to use. When we were done, we had lots of extra time to take a break and get ready for the day. Throughout the middle of the day, our first 2 classes got a demonstration on some main steps of blending, and putting a collage together. But after lunch, Poth said we could teach a lesson, and we took the offer. When it was my turn to teach, I again, went over the same instructions as Poth did and had some fun with it. Throughout the end of the day, most of the kids were tired, but still loud. Overall I had a pretty good time, as Poth is a great teacher and went over how he does his job the best he could.


2.What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work? Why?

Something that would motivate me to come to work would be doing ceramic art. I really like to work with ceramics because I can be creative and can build anything I want with no limits. 

Another reason that would motivate me to come to work would be how nice and welcoming the teachers are, as they all helped me get this project done. 





3.What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work? Why?

Something that would discourage me from coming to work would be how loud the class gets. I like to have a quiet place to work because it helps me relax and do my work. 



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