Core Competency self


The inquiry presentation in the earth science unit is a good example of communication because we needed to effectively and concisely convey our ideas. I chose to talk about the lack of adequate nutrients on Mars and how that will impact the possible colonization. The presentation called for good explanation skills and the ability to retain and then communicate ideas, thoughts, and concepts in a clear manner.


Creative Thinking

In French (Immersion) 10, a good example of using my creative thinking would be the book discussions. During the discussion, I had to come up with new ideas and interpret and elaborate on complex questions from my peers. Thinking “outside the box” allows me to develop themes and personal connections to the text.


Critical Thinking

In Literary Studies 10, in our indigenous unit, I needed to use critical thinking to interpret the ideas and themes in the short stories we read. From these themes, I developed my own examples and related situations using my perspective and experiences.  In the debate/discussion based on the short story we read, I had to use my critical thinking skills to find conclusions, create new perspectives for the moral, or give my own explanations on why the main character made the decisions he did.


Social Responsibility

In P.E. I was able to demonstrate my social responsibility with my leadership skills. For example, when the activity required groups or teams, I activity searched for people who didn’t have a group or were maybe too shy to ask if they could join.  I can confidently interact and build friendships with my peers by not discriminating against diversity and including those who are left out.


Personal and Cultural Identity

In my day-to-day life I always keep my culture and values in mind, it allows me to be positive and to have a sense of identity. When at school, make sure to continue to follow my beliefs and to always stand up for anything going against my values. For example, if one of my peers were encountering any injustices, I would make sure to be there for them and help them find a trusted adult to talk to. Keeping my morals or values in mind shapes my choices and allows me to keep being authentically me.


Personal Awareness and Responsibility

I am able to stay motivation using my personal awareness and responsibility skills. When needing to focus or get a task done, I use self-determination to stay motivated. I regulate my time usage in order to stay on top of my assignments. I also use organisation techniques such as to do lists, writing due dates for projects or assignments, and keeping my work tidy and orderly.


Core Competency Self-Reflections

A Midsummer Night's Dream

In English 09, I memorised all 80 lines of my parts in the Shakespeare Midsummer Night’s Dream project, which was an excellent example of personal awareness and responsibility because I was able to be my own self motivator when memorising, which allowed me to stay focused and determined. My motivation being me wanting to succeed, not the approval of my parents or teacher, I was able to memorise all the lines in an emotional fashion not just reading them out but, acting with my hands and body movement. Being my own motivator is my best skill and will be useful in the future as many people depend on others to tell them what to do. That mindset is installed in children’s minds starting from kindergarten, essentially having someone always there to lead the way for them. However this is not the case from high school to adulthood and that’s where this skill is important to have because we no longer have the luxury of someone holding our hand and telling us what to do.

In Communication 09, I created and developed 18 scenes for our short film project, which was an excellent example of creative thinking because in order to create an interesting and compelling plot line I had to be imaginatif in the way I thought to come up with new ideas. Not only did I have to make each scene unique but I also made sure every scene seamlessly connected together using a bit of my critical thinking. Including my peers’ ideas was also important as it was a group assignment and listening to their own creative ideas helped the overall story be more thrilling.


In Physical education 09, the numerous team activities I did were all excellent examples of social responsibility because teamwork was a big part of it and teamwork calls for communicating with others in a peaceful way making sure to value their differences. Helping those who were less skilled in the task was another way I demonstrated my social responsibility as it calls for care and patience. In P.E. I was able to improve my relation building skills in talking to new people and learning new things about them. Not only did I practise my social skills I also used my problem solving skills in teamwork situations. Overall in P.E. I developed my social responsibility the most.