Break the Fake Part 2 – Photos of President Joe Biden Wearing Military Uniform.

This article, among many others, display photos of President Joe Biden in Military Uniform. Some websites claim it is Ai generated and others say it is authentic. To check the legitimacy of the photo I will use various fact checking tools.

Let us check whether this is true or false using one of our fact checking websites,

After reading further using the Snopes website, it is confirmed that the photo was in fact Ai generated. Few of the give aways were that in one photo Joe Biden had 6 fingers on each hand and how some of the writings weren’t actually spelling out anything – just few random letters shaped together to look like words.

I then used TinEye, a reverse image search website, and filtered to the oldest image. I visited the first website and it too confirmed it was an Ai generated photo. Subsequently, I checked a few other websites listed underneath and they had the same information stating that it was fake.

Finally, after using both fact checking websites, and TinEye, as well as checking other sources, I was able to conclude that the photos of Joe Biden in Military uniform were in fact Ai generated which ultimately indicates they are false.

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