In French 10 we did literary circles which was a great demonstration of communication. We used our communication skills in interacting with each other and discussing the book. I developed my communication skills by adding my points to the discussion and listening to others. I’ve grown the most in communication by being brave and sharing my ideas. I will further work on this by continuing to participate in class discussions in all classes. In Math 10 I used communication skills when I work on homework with my friends. We discuss how to solve the problems and if we have different methods, we examine which one is best. I will continue working on this by continuing to work with my friends. This skill is important because we need to use our communication skills in everyday life. We use it in school, at work and with interactions with others.
Creative thinking:
In Science 10 we had to create snowman. I used my creative thinking skills to design the environment in which the snowman was in. I enhanced by creative thinking skills by developing new and creative ideas. I will further practice this competency by using by creative thinking in Math 10. There are lots of word problems in math which require creative thinking and thinking outside of the box. I will use this competency to analyze questions as it will help me understand the questions better. I also use Creative thinking in French 10 when I write grammar compositions. I must use creative thinking to find a way to incorporate certain verbs into different contexts. Creative thinking is important because it allows us to be more creative in everything we do.
Critical thinking:
In French 10 we had to write an essay about a book we read, and we had to create links with the book to ourselves. I’ve grown the most in critical thinking by relating the book to myself. I used to only write essays about the book, but I am now able to relate it to myself. I will further work on this by analyzing the things we do in class and how I can relate them to myself to develop a better understanding. In Math 10 I used critical thinking to understand word problems. I will continue to grow this competency by engaging my critical thinking skills in math. In Science 10 I used critical thinking during biology. We had to think of a trait in an animal that has evolved over time and why that may have happened. I had to think of why that specific animal would have needed to adapt to its environment. Critical thinking is very important because it helps us analyze difficult situations in life, which we will often encounter.