Core Competency-Critical Thinking

Something that I never really considered as a hobby was aviation. I joined cadets in 2018, and I was amazed by how the older cadets (I would assume that they were in grade 12 during this time) were able to pilot Cessnas and Schweitzers. The most revelatory event was when I rode a glider for the first time, and it was truly an eye-opening experience. Being 2000 ft above Pitt Meadows airport, seeing the river and the highway gave me an existential crisis on what I should become.


5 years later, I enrolled into a program called the National Canadian Air Cadet Glider Pilot Training Course (GPTC). It was a complicated experience, but it was all worth it. Flying a glider really is something else, and it not only gives you the feeling of superiority over automobile users, but it’s always an amazing view. Being a pilot is something else. It wasn’t as extravagant as Tom Cruise’s Top Gun, but I still felt glorious while soaring through the skies. Forgive me for sounding arrogant; it’s not every day where you get to do spiral dives and stalls for fun. They used to be scary, but nowadays, it’s just another day in the office. I used to scream in terror when doing them; however, I now  find them satisfying.

The main core competency I used is Critical Thinking. Many of my activities and obstacles required the use of critical thinking, especially analyzing and questioning. As a novice pilot and student, I had to ask a lot of questions and find solutions to minor problems. There were times when I reached a simple conclusion, or a complex inquiry requiring more research and thought. When flying, I had tasks to do while in the air, such as things to practice or reflect on. This gave me time to analyze and criticize my maneuvers and talents, which helped me improve and understand myself better. I used to underestimate the importance of critical thinking, but after taking roles of leadership and responsibility where something is at stake, I learned that the process of critical thinking is very beneficial to the success of a task. Critical thinking opens up pathways to different possibilities and solutions, and having several options is always welcome.


Critical thinking is paramount to achieving results and gaining knowledge. I am proud to say that my greatest achievement was earning my pilot’s license before my driver’s license, and I had amazing experiences with friends, colleagues, and instructors.  I never imagined I would become a pilot at age 17, and this proves that anything can happen in life.

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