Information Fluency

A Moon Landing In 2024 

As part of NASA’s Artemis programme, SpaceX and NASA are collaborating in order to achieve the shared objective of placing humans on the moon by 2024. After the Apollo 17 mission in 1972, this mission will mark the return of humans to the lunar surface. NASA and SpaceX want to create a sustained presence on the Moon, conduct scientific research, and develop new technologies as part of the Artemis programme. Plus, with the ultimate objective of constructing a lunar base for future trips to Mars. In order to do this, NASA is creating the Orion spacecraft and the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, and SpaceX is creating the Starship lunar lander. Astronauts will be able to go from the lunar orbit to the Moon’s surface and back again using the lunar lander. In addition to working with SpaceX to create the lunar lander, NASA has already begun testing the technologies needed for the trip, including the SLS rocket and Orion ship. The Artemis programme marks a significant advance exploration in space, and the productive partnership between NASA and SpaceX may open the door for more lunar and extraterrestrial missions in the future.

The reason for witch I find this subject interesting is because we haven’t gone to the moon for the last semicentennial. And not only we are back to the Moon, but we are constructing a lunar base.


Breaking the Fake – viral video clip calming that asteroid collided with the moon

This is a video that I came across in YouTube showing that an asteroid crashed into the moon on the 4th of March 2022. And I will analyze it to see if it is real or faked.                                                                                                                                                     


When I went to the channel ViralVideoLab, but I was not sure if I could trust the information in that video, because most of its videos were based on myths and theory’s such a UFO. Plus, there was no way for me to confirmed if the creator was an expert or just a random youtuber.


I tried to find more about the channel on Wikipedia; however, I was not able to find anything. Nevertheless, I found out that the video actually belonged to a channel called Aleksey__n, and it also had a check letting me know that Aleksey__n was not a copy right channel unlike ViralVideoLab. And after looking through Aleksey__n videos I soon learned that he/she was a digital artist and animators. Knowing I knew that the video was not real.


And just to confirm my analyzes I used And surly, it showed that the video was indeed fake and that it was made using digital programmes.










My experience at the workplace that I visited

Take Our Kids to Work Day

I went to my mother’s office place where she works on civil engineering.

  • The sounds I heard were printer’s engine, keyboards typing noise, and people disguising about their future project such as their cost, budget, location and size. I did not smell anything special but a normal facility, it was just like a house or a school. But company recently had a small party, and so, when I entered the kitchen the smell of roasted pumpkin hit my nose. I saw people quietly doing their jobs and during the break they were talking and telling jokes to one another, they had a positive vibe. I also saw a bunch of maps that were at least one meter by length and high. The maps full of lines number then the engineers had added even more detail to them on their own. And I felt the same things that I touch in an ordinary school day, such as laptop desks and papers.


  • I find this work place a bit discouraging because of the fact that having to look at a screen all day long isn’t really motivating. Plus being an engineer also means that you are always competing with other companies, because in order to get a project you most first win a case. And after that you own the project then you can really start building the fecality that your company is working on.


See the source image

Guidelines for commenting on my blog

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please be thoughtful and considerate when you are commenting on my work. I’m outlining some guidelines to help you with your comments.


  • Ask questions in your writing. Be open-ended and open-minded when writing about a topic. Convert “why?” questions into “what?” questions, for example, “why did you do this?” converted to “what happened?” or “what decisions led you to do this?” often generates more detailed and revealing answers.         

When you are questions, we are going to be able to discuss the subject with one and other with more depth.

  •     Provide lots of links to help readers learn more about your topic. 

Proving would help me understand your comments better as I would be able to your point of view on thing.

  • Pay attention to copyright. Use other people’s work with respect and link to your sources.

If you have coped something from internet it is important to provide the link of where you the information. Because it has become really easy to steal another person’s work and knowledge.

  • Think before you post. Ask yourself, is this something I want my parents, teachers, friends, strangers to see? What are the consequences if you post this?

I care about this rule because I wish to keep my blog as safe and professional as possible. Please be responsible.

Sample: My blog post is about science and historical events in the present.

“Hi Shahrad, I’m interested about your post on the new mission to the moon. I was wandering if you could keep us updated and give us your opinion on this project?”