DL Final Assignment: Edublog Post


How has your awareness of Coast Salish Art in our community changed?


After completing this assignment I learned that these different shapes mean different things and adding them to an animal can breath life as well as tell a story by what shapes are being used.

Assignment 6B Information Fluency Paragraph

Today I want to write about the pointy catholic churches buildings and the many reasons why they are built and shaped liked that. I got this idea from a Youtube video and thought it was a fun but intriguing question that looks into the deeper meaning of things. Quote from the Youtube video: “Why do the Catholics erect so many pointy buildings? Perhaps they function as unslung arrows, their trajectory locked forever upward to their father’s kingdom. The mere sight of these bombastic unapologetic structures must make the devil blush a shade of red so maroo-(cuts off)”

My paragraph

Some people think that the spires and steeples are built in that shape because of structural support. These structures also usually house bells which serve for the signaling of worship or marking historic or significant times/dates. But these steeples also give the church an almost towering presence over other buildings from afar and along with the bell that I mentioned earlier, symbolically remind people of divine presence. The tradition of pointy buildings also comes from Gothic architecture during the medieval period and the construction of tall spires and complex stonework which symbolize the splendor and transcendence of God. Another reason as to why these structures are built this way is to allow for ethereal luminosity to come in from the large windows with elaborate and ornate tracery that allows for the flood of light to enlighten followers towards greater spiritual enlightenment and understanding. Equally important to that is the concept of  Vertical Aspiration. Vertical Aspiration is an concept that Gothic cathedrals with vertical elements symbolize humanity’s aspiration towards reaching a divine realm. In conclusion these structures serve more purposes than supposedly thought. They have different symbols and meanings depending on who you ask and are not there just for structural support.


Ai paragraph

The pointed spires and towering steeples of Catholic cathedrals, reaching skyward like outstretched hands, are not just physical structures but metaphysical conduits. They are manifestations of humanity’s innate longing to bridge the chasm between the earthly and the divine, to transcend the limitations of mortal existence and touch the infinite.

In this interpretation, each soaring steeple becomes a symbolic representation of the human soul’s aspiration to ascend to higher realms of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. The pointed apex, piercing the heavens, symbolizes the relentless pursuit of truth, beauty, and ultimate meaning.

Furthermore, the architectural intricacies of these cathedrals—the intricate tracery of stained glass windows, the elaborate sculptures adorning their facades—are not merely aesthetic embellishments but gateways to spiritual illumination. Through the interplay of light and shadow, these structures invite contemplation and reflection, leading the observer on a journey of inner discovery and enlightenment.

But perhaps the most intriguing aspect of these pointy buildings lies in their paradoxical nature. While they stand as physical manifestations of human aspiration and divine longing, they also serve as reminders of the ineffable mystery and unknowable depths of the divine. Just as the spire reaches ever higher towards the heavens, so too does it remind us of the boundless depths of the divine, forever beyond our grasp yet infinitely present.

In this light, the construction of pointy cathedrals becomes not just an architectural endeavor but a philosophical and spiritual quest—a quest to explore the depths of human consciousness, to touch the divine, and to glimpse the eternal truths that lie beyond the confines of mortal existence. So, the next time you gaze upon the soaring spires of a Catholic cathedral, let them not only inspire awe but also provoke contemplation on the mysteries of existence and the nature of our place in the cosmos.

I think that Ai is very easy to manage/ access and use.
I think that this exercise was not that useful because many teenagers already know about Ai capability
My results were expected but I am still astounded by how the Ai can gather information so fast and compile it into comprehensive and coherent text.

break the fake pt 2

Did a McDonald’s Charge Black Customers Extra to Pay for Robbery Insurance?

McDonald’s has faced a PR nightmare following a circulating twitter picture that falsely introduces a new policy to charge an extra fee for African-American customers due to a recent string of robberies. The chain took to Twitter to dispel the association with the picture, calling it a “senseless & ignorant hoax.” However, the rumors continued to spread, with panicked PR reps tweeting out three more times that the picture was a hoax. McDonald’s director of social media, Rick Wion, stated that the sign is “obviously a hoax” and that the company has a long and proud history of diversity inclusion.

I found this post circulating around the internet about this topic

  1.  I first went to check the scopes website to see if it was fake or not. screenshot of scopes
  2. I went and found this post on new york daily news website and found that they said it was also fake. screenshot of newyorkdaily..

I think that its false because two reliable websites have already labeled it as false and with my own judgement i also think that its probably another hoax on the internet.


1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 1st?

I could see the the products my parents were selling, I could not smell anything but I could feel the

hard floor as I was walking around

2. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work?

I get to meet new people and talk to customers

3. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work?

Sometimes you don’t want to socialize with other people but you also can’t be really rude and say that

to the customers

3. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit?

It was near a forest and a big playground with school