All About Me

Hi, my name is Sarah, I’m 13 years old and I’m turning 14 in December. I really like hanging out with my friends whenever I’m free to make plans with them, I really like playing volleyball, I play or have played lots of different sports because I like trying different stuff all the time, but volleyball is my favorite by far. I go to the gym a lot with one or two of my friends, as well as listening to music and watching Netflix TV shows.

My favorite quote would have to be “Whats meant to be will always find a way” – Walt Whitman. I think it s a nice quote because it tells me that whatever goalĀ  you have in mind, if you have the right mindset, it could and should be fulfilled. Life can surprise us and maybe you don’t get exactly what you want but it may be for the better because the future holds something better for you and that’ll find its way to you. Because if what you truly want is mean to be, it will always find a way to get to you.

Image result for airplane aesthetic

This is one of my favorite images because I really love traveling and it gives me summer vibes since every summer we travel a lot, usually to Europe and one of my favorite things about traveling is the plane ride and looking at the view from the little window.

I don’t really have a favorite YouTube clip since i don’t use YouTube much, but if i had to say, probably would be or any other of The tonight show with Jimmy Fallon videos.

My favorite website is since just about everything you need is on google.