Take our kid to work day















For my workplace, I went to City of Surrey TOKTWD program with my friend. In the workplace, I learned what kind of jobs are there as a public officer and what are the benefits of being the public officer. Moreover, I saw a demonstration of how to climb a tree. Lastly, I planted trees for environment.

  1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 6th? Use details

 I went to City of Surrey’s Take Our Kids to Work Day. I went to Surrey’s stadium first. It was very nice and clean. Then, I went to Surrey’s Park. I saw many trees and birds. Moreover, our guide said that we might see an owl, but I couldn’t see any. After, we went to see tree climbing. There were three people who were to show us how to climb trees. They used rope and some other equipment for climbing trees. It was very cool. Lastly, we planted trees. Everyone had to plant 6 trees. I was a bit tired, but I also felt good to work for the environment. 

  1. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work? Why?

   Working with nature would motivate me to attend work. I like nature and doing something that I like motivate me a lot. Moreover, I can help the environment and make people feel better. 

  1. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work? Why?

 The thought of meeting unpleasant people would discourage me from attending work. Working for the city includes a service job. And during work I might meet unpleasant people. And I must serve them the same as other people. This would discourage me from attending work. 

  1. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit? Why?

  The one thing that I found interesting about my workplace is that I can work with nature. I like working with nature, especially with plants and animals. I feel relaxed and comfortable when I watch them. Also, there aren’t many jobs that can work with nature and make enough profit. 



I couldn’t take any picture in the workplace. This is a picture of a plant that I got from it.


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