Riley Gowans
In the school year thus far, I have demonstrated Creative thinking, Collaboration and communication.
Firstly, in my science we had a group project where we had to make a roller coaster. In this project I had to collaborate with my group members to help each other in successfully creating a working roller coaster. Working together with each other made it way easier to create a better output when using our time wisely and staying on task while still having fun with friends while gain some valuable information that I will be able to use for future projects or in m y future.
Secondly, also in my science class in the same group project I demonstrated good creative thinking skills as I had to brainstorm and come up with valuable ideas that my group could use in our final product. Using these ideas, I was able to use them in successfully creating a working roller coaster while having fun.
Lastly, in my careers class I demonstrated good communication skills as for our YPI project it took lots of careful planning and good communication to create a good and meaningful project. I had to communicate with my group to plan out dates and to plan out our final project. With out communication in groups, it makes it extremely difficult to do good on our project.