

In communications, I did not only have one specific assignment but multiple presentation, which was an excellent example of communication because it taught different types of communication and how we can use it in the future. We learned how to present projects in front of the class which teaches us how to stand in front of others and captivate them into the topics we are talking about. In this class we also had many conversations with our peers which taught us how to keep the flow of a conversation with anyone. Lastly, since this was a French class, we were taught proper grammar when speaking so that we spoke respectfully to individuals who have higher authority, in this case our teachers. 

Creative Thinking 

In socials, I did a project about the French revolution, which was an excellent example of creative thinking because…we not only had to do research but also implement things into our project from the past. We had to read, write and add an artistic element in which case mine was a drawing into our book. The book had to resemble as if it were from the French revolution, so we stained it with coffee and burned the edges. 

Critical Thinking 

In Digital learning, I did multiples projects throughout this year which was an excellent example of critical thinking because… it taught me to find and understand different things. This course really taught me how to use our electronic devices and learn new things. Our projects where unique where we would have to figure it out ourselves rather than depending on our teachers.  

Social Responsibility 

At school this year, I made new friends which was an excellent example of social responsibility because… I have realized that there are a different personalities and characteristics to the people around me. I have learned that you don’t one specific friend but multiple can expand your friend group.  

 Personal and Cultural Identity 

In my family, I went to many gatherings, which was an excellent example of personal identity because… it connects me to the people around me and my culture as well. These gatherings taught me about history in my family as well as getting to know the people in my surroundings. This was an amazing example of personal identity because I found myself around the people who are some of the closest to me. 

 Personal Awareness and Responsibility 

In dance, I did work hard which was an excellent example of personal awareness and responsibility because… I realized my passion for the art and wanted to improve on my silks. I reflected on the fact that I wanted to get better and work hard to achieve my goals. This year I have put my time into doing so and will continue to until I receive the results.