DC Circuit Project

My DC circuit project is the assignment I am most proud of this quarter. Jade Rodgers and I worked on this project together. The circuit I designed down below was especially difficult because I don’t understand physics. I am proud of it because it took me a while to figure out the website and how to make all the electrons flow.

Here is my circuit.

English 9

In English 9 Mrs. Flowers had us rewrite a section of the Hunger Games. I chose to rewrite the reaping. In the original version Peeta Mellark was selected as the boy tribute and in my version, Gale Hawthorne.

Here is my assignment.

I have not written anything this long before so it was a jump from grade 8. I am proud of this assignment because I worked hard on it and got  a 93%. I was fond of this assignment because I like the Hunger Games and enjoyed reading the book that led up to this project.


Guitar 9

In guitar 9 we had to choose a song to learn from the 1970’s -2000’s. I chose “California Dreamin'” by the Mamas and the Papas.

Here is my guitar. I am proud of myself for learning this song because going into it I thought it was above my skill level. I practiced every day and ended up getting 100% on the final performance. I enjoyed learning this piece because I like listening to it on my own time.