Tableau Competence Essentielle Immersion

J’ai démontré mon plaisir de m’exprimer en français dans les discussions dans nos cercles littéraires en novembre 2024. J’avais du plaisir en argumenter avec les autres dans une autre langue et sa donnait un autre aspect difficile de discuter.

J’ai démontré que je peux explorer les cultures francophones quand j’ai visité le Québec en mars 2023. Je pouvais discuter avec les personnes Québécois et explorer leurs habitudes et traditions dans un autre langue.

J’ai démontré ma capacite de bilinguisme quand j’ai visité la France en l’été 2024 et je pouvais parler avec les personnes qui parlaient le Français tout leur vie.

Core Competency Development

In my communications course, I made a short film with a group that I believe was an excellent example of communication and creativity because of the need to organize and manage a group. The communication aspect of the project was very important to discuss and negotiate the different scenes and the overall story. We also had to be creative when making a storyline. In a group of four, we collaborated, communicated, and worked together to create a film. We all demonstrated that we could think creatively and communicate our ideas to each other. This is why I think this project demonstrated well my communication and creative skills.

Another activity that falls under multiple categories is my sport, hockey. When I play, it is very important to communicate, think creatively, think critically, and my personal responsibility. Like in any team sport, communication is a large part of being a capable team. Teamwork, different plays, and winning all involve communication and your and your team’s ability to work together flawlessly through communicating. Another important aspect of hockey is thinking creatively. In a hockey game, the most creative option is most often the best. Critical thinking is also crucial in a fast game where decisions have consequences. During the game, you’re forced to think critically about what you’re about to do and make sure it’s the right decision. Lastly is your responsibility. When you’re on a team, everybody plays an important role and has their responsibilities that turn the gears of the whole team. When you and your teammates fulfill their responsibilities, that’s when a team works well together. This is why I believe that hockey falls under all of these mentioned categories and it also shows that I am capable of communication, creative thinking, critical thinking, and personal responsibility all at a fast pace.

Coast Salish Art

My awareness about traditional Coast Salish has significantly increased through this project. I have learned about the different elements in art work, as well as the meaning behind each shape. Now, every time I see a Coast Salish artwork, I will know the different elements that are included and the deeper meaning behind the drawing. Before this project, I simply thought that the shapes inside these animals were random and only used to fill in the space. I now realize there is much meaning in each line and shape which I will never unsee.

Information Fluency Paragraph

My paragraph:

The discussion about AI is rising as time passes, as well as the intelligence of these machines. Are these tools going to be incredibly useful, or lead to disaster? But right now, artificial intelligence is greatly advancing and can complete various tasks with human qualities. Artificial intelligence surfaced two years ago. At that time, it could already achieve numerous challenges with ease. Ever since then, it has only been learning and gathering new information over the past two years, which means that AI like Chat-GPT is highly advanced with many human-like capabilities. If this project goes in the right direction, I believe that AI can help grow society and improve everyone’s lives.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, encompassing tasks like learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. It’s revolutionizing various fields, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment. Machine learning, a subset of AI, enables systems to learn and improve from data without explicit programming. Deep learning, a further subset, involves neural networks with many layers, capable of complex pattern recognition. Ethical considerations surrounding AI, including bias mitigation and privacy concerns, are increasingly important as AI’s influence grows. As AI technology advances, its potential to augment human capabilities, drive efficiency, and solve complex problems continues to expand, shaping the future of society and industry.

Through my experience with Chat-GPT, I believe it is an incredible tool that can be used to help with anything. The paragraph that Chat-GPT generated was very fast and accurate to what I asked.

I thought this exercise was useful to find out the capabilities of this machine and what they can be used for. It can be used to solve simple problems or give you general advice on a subject.

In conclusion, I expected these results. I was already familiar with Chat-GPT and my research here only solidified my opinions. I think that tools like these are a massive advantage over those who do not. The bot gave a fast and accurate paragraph with credible facts. In the correct situations, Chat-GPT can be a great help.

Break the Fake Pt. 2

On January 30, 2024, a claim arose on X that President Joe Biden has an IQ of 187, making him the smartest President in the history of the USA.

As per X user Alex Perez Abba with the handle @AlexPer51573831, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre allegedly announced during Monday’s morning briefing that Joe Biden took an “Aptitude Test” and received an overwhelming “187 IQ.”

I first searched the claim on which stated that the intitial claim was false. The original source was a post on the website X. Since the information was posted by an anonymous user, we can clearify that the source is not reliable. After visiting multiple sites, I can find that my opinion is supported by many sources.


After this research, I will declare this claim false.



Take your Kids to Work Day

Burquitlam Clinic

When you walk into the building, on the right will be the doctor’s portion, and on the left, will be the pharmacy portion. My father works as a doctor and my grandmother works as a pharmacist as well as owning the pharmacy and the clinic.  


I stayed behind the front desk when I visited the pharmacy. Along the back wall is a sea of every kind of drug you can think of, organized alphabetically. The workday consists of handing out ordered medications and packaging containers of pills for people to take every day of the week. Another thing a pharmacist does is provide vaccines. My grandmother provided the flu shot and the COVID shot. At one point in the day, a pharmacist took a patient behind a sort of curtain to give a flu shot. Something I found remarkable is the way my grandmother knows and memorizes what every drug does on her shelf. I picked one up and she told me what that drug does and the dosage. I also saw a safe with valuable or dangerous drugs such as morphine and other stimulants.  


When I was with my father, I stayed in the doctor’s lounge with the other doctors. There were 5 rooms where the doctor and the patient met. I wasn’t allowed in the rooms so my father would help a patient and would come back to the lounge.  

On a typical day, a family doctor will check updates about patients before work, for example checking blood tests that have come back or updates from a specialist that have come back. Then they would look at a patient list for the day with summaries of their problem and their past treatments which will give the doctor time to prepare what to say or do a little research about the condition. This results in a day where everything is predictable. Then the doctor will come into the office and see one patient at a time until the end of the day.  

Although meeting the other doctors was interesting, the lounge was dull and very quiet. But my father will come explain what happened with the previous patient so it was interesting to see the wide variety of things that could happen to the human body.  

Evergreen Rehab & Wellness - Coquitlam : Chiropractic, Physiotherapy,  Kinesiology, Acupuncture, Clinical Counselling, Massage RMT, Naturopathy

In the environment of a medical clinic/pharmacy, I saw a lot of drugs lined up on the walls. In the doctor’s portion of the building, there were private rooms with no windows to keep the interaction between the patient and the doctor confidential. I saw a front desk with a receptionist telling patients where to go and a lobby area with chairs and me and my brother’s baby pictures on the walls.  

I heard very faint sounds from a distant TV but other than that, the pharmacy was very quiet along with the doctor’s offices. 

The smells were not very different than usual. However, the doctor’s lounge smelled like food because the doctors were eating lunch.  

The things I felt were different. I felt happy because my grandmother was happy to see me and teach me about the elements of a pharmacy. I also felt sort of relieved and satisfied because the whole time I was at the office, all I saw were people helping others.  

For me at least, the thing that would motivate me to wake up every morning would be the reactions and the gratefulness of everyone you help. As I was watching my grandmothers help people in the pharmacy, the people’s reactions were so great, and everyone was so nice. The patients were so energetic and kind which gave me a sense of a built community.  

I think one element of the job that would discourage me from attending work every day would be the crazy patients who think they’re always right and don’t accept treatment to prescriptions.  

One thing I found interesting is how so many people of different ages came in with problems sort of categorized by their age. The younger people would have physical injuries. Middle-aged people would have skin problems. The older people would have more pain and internal issues. I also found it interesting how everything is so orderly and calm. I guess I’m used to the idea of a hospital environment where it’s hectic and rushed. But this environment was relaxed and even though it was slow, everything was done by the end in an organized fashion.  



Capitol Mutation Collaborative Project

My Project

Public Speaking

This semester, I have learned that there are three main categories you need to accomplish to have an interesting presentation. First is the information. Not only having intriguing and fun facts but that you are familiar with your material. Knowing your subject well gives you a further level of confidence and eye contact with the audience. Second in the way you talk. You should talk in a way where you sound confident, so you do not appear nervous. Avoid fidgeting so it doesn’t look like you are trying to get the presentation over with. Lastly, is the way you present yourself. The way you stand, appear, and use hand gestures. If you stand with good posture, apply hand gestures in certain oppurtunities, and look clean and presentalbly, along with all the other tips, you can create an ingriguing presentation where you will maintain the audiences attention.

Collaborating Core Competency Reflection

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful for both sides to present the main ideas and whichever idea the majority of the group wants to apply is used. In this project, this happend several times with the staring ideas. 

Some things I think about before dividing tasks among group members include, peoples strengths, and where different people would fit well to complete the assignment quickly with good quality. 

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to review the critera as a group when we are first put together. This way, we are all familiar with the assignment and have the same thoughts towards the criteria. 

I show others that I truly value their contributions by verbaly thanking them, or thanking them in a form of work. If someones work is really well done, I could volunteer to do some of that persons work in appreciation. 

One goal I have going forward when working with people I am not familiar with, is trying to include missing persepectives in a group. Because of the fact that I am not familiar with working with people I do not know, I haven’t had the oppurtunity to practice the ability to include people who might be shy. I can improve this by simply making an extra effort to try and notice others in a group.