Core Competencies


In physical health education, I had to get into a group and put together a presentation using figures and gymnastics skills. This was an excellent example of communication because I demonstrated that I can connect and engage with others by interacting with my peers to reach a shared goal. I wasn’t afraid to share my ideas or add on to others, which proves that I can communicate while feeling confident at the same time.

Critical Thinking

I have grown the most in my critical thinking competency because I can question and investigate by using my experience, observations and imagination to arrive at a conclusion, which I find easier to do now than before. I can apply this skill to any subject once I have learned enough of the material. For example, when I am taking a test in social studies and am unsure on the answer to a question, I refer back to what I already know, making observations in my head, to arrive at an answer that I believe is right.

Core Competencies


One of my strengths is responsibility. I can stay on top of all my assignments and study for tests most of the time. If I miss a test, I schedule a date with my teacher and plan my time. 



Creative thinking is where I grew the most this year. At the beginning of the year in science class I was not good at understanding what my class was learning. I then took responsibility for what I did not understand and reviewed my notes and pretended to teach someone the material that I learned. I developed a new idea of how I learn. This helped me get a better understanding of what I learn in class. 


Example of my growth 

I have been able to use this strategy in all my classes. It has really shown me you just have to change the way you look at something and it can make a whole lot more sense. For example, in math class there were a few things I did not fully understand in a unit. I used my newly learned strategy, and I was able to do well on my test. 



My goal is to be able to be able to communicate better. In class I have a tough time contributing to group discussions. I want to be able to ask, answer questions and share ideas while I am in a group for a project in class. To achieve this goal, I will start with only one of the three things (ask, answer, and share) and work my way up until I can do them all easily.