Assignment I am Proud of During Semester 1

An assignment I am proud of during semester 1 is my novel study for English 9. I am proud of this assignment because I spent lots of time working on it, it was one of English 9’s biggest assignments, it was stretched over about two months. I felt proud of this assignment because I got 87/100 on this, which is an A. This boosted my mark quite a lot. I often have issues with my ideas and conventions in my writing. However, this time my strength was my ideas “Strength: Ideas – insightful connections that are logically  sequenced”.

Here’s a screenshot of my marks.

I felt like this project was a drag to do at first, as it seemed like a big task. I was able to cut what I have to do into smaller pieces, and after getting feedback from friends and teachers, I feel like I learned something new in this assignment. Likewise, I learned that you don’t have to tackle everything you do head first, you’re allowed to take small baby steps.

Novel study (The project with corrections and feedback from teacher).

An Assignment/Project I am proud of from Semester 1

An assignment I am proud of this semester is my animal and plant cell diagram.

You may look at this and think this is an average drawing of a cell diagram. But keep in mind, I am not an artist in any way. I can only draw stick figures and stick figures only. Sometimes I mess up on stick figures… But the assignment is to make a diagram of the cell for both plant and animal. And I feel very proud of it because I was able to draw it freehand. Not only did my teacher understand my terrible handwriting, but he was able to identify that this was a cell, not a mutilated ball or some weird object. I also got full marks on this project.