Block 4 Digital Learning Assignment

My 4th block this semester is French and for this project we wrote a journal imagining as if we were that person, so in first person. The historic person that I picked was Madame de Sévigné, a famous French writer who’s know for her letters that she wrote to her daughter. For the Digital Learning aspect, we made our presentation on Canva with a goal to learn how the app works and its unique traits.

Here is my presentation:


Connecting Core Competencies:

In order to complete this assignment I used the Creative Thinking Core Competencies because lot’s of the final mark will have to do with how it looks and I had to use my creativity and imagination in order to think outside of my comfort zone and try new things to get the best outcome. When starting this project I started by going through different title page templates and asked other’s opinions on some different options but really, I went with what I liked the most because everybody has different opinions and not everyone will like your work but in the end you should like it and be proud of it. After picking out the title page I got in a little bit of a “brain block” and it took me a couple days to actually accomplish anything, but this time gave me the extra opportunities to visualize inside my head for what I wanted my project to look like. As I worked on this project I kept asking others for their opinions and thoughts so that I could keep improving my work by embracing their feedback. I also got to explore the different tools on Canva like the animations and the wide selection of different fonts that brought more life to my presentation.

Learning from Digital Tools:

I really enjoyed using Canva to make my presentation because it has so many different options and elements that makes it possible to make whatever your mind can think of. I have been using Canva for a year now, ever since I started going to public school and one of my best friends showed me the app. Ever since then Canva has been my favourite way to create my designs and presentations.

Throughout the last year I have been getting to know Canva a little bit better each time and I will continue to learn as long as I use it. For this specific project I chose to have an animated theme for my work and I got to explore the different cartoon elements that I then inserted into my presentation. This was the first piece of work that I have done on Canva through the educational account that comes with the school and I was amazed by how many benefits came with this account. Normally there were lot’s of photos and tools that only came with Canva Premium but now I get to explore the different tools like the background remover and get to choose the better looking effects.

I would definitely recommend this app to other students because it’s a really easy app to use and it has an endless amount of possibilities and resources that can make your work the best it can possibly be.

Application in Other Courses:

Canva can be used in almost all of my classes that have presentations as assignments. I will be able to use Canva to present my research in an organized manor while using different effects to catch the audience’s attention. Not only will it be easy for the audience to understand and feel at ease while looking at, but it will also be very easy for me to create the presentation while not feeling overwhelmed.


All pictures and animations came from inside the Canva app.

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