- Obtain, interpret and present information.
I show this Core competency in my classes when I am doing projects. Earlier this year, I had a very big Science project where I had to do an inquiry on space. When I did this project I was challenged in many aspects. I had to find reliable sources to research my information and learn from these sources. I had to interpret this information so I could properly understand the concepts fully. To present I needed to fully understand what I was learning. When I presented I was comfortable and confident because I knew the subject well.
This core competency is very important because I need to be able to do this throughout my schooling, but also possibly in the future when I have a full time job. I can make sure I put in a lot of effort and try my best so I can fully accomplish everything I am trying to do.
2. Self-Determination
I show this core competency in many aspects. For school I make sure I do all my homework and work of projects myself. I do not need other people to get me to do my work. The same applies for sports. When I am determined and driven to do something I will do it.
I think this core competency is important because you need to be able to work on your own without other people making you work. Now we live with our parents and such and have them, teachers and coaches making sure we are doing our work, but in a lot of cases in the future we won’t have this. Our parents will have less of an impact on our lives when we are older and same with teachers. Also coaches and such may not even be in our lives depending on the path we choose. it is very important that we are self-determined and self-driven.