A video on twitter was circulated of Joe Biden nibbling on a child’s shoulder. Many people said the child looked uncomfortable. Many people were upset with Biden and were saying how he is disgusting and weird. The article talks about how Biden has done things like this before. He has made several people uncomfortable by touching and invading their personal space to have people like him. There were also some instances where he made inappropriate comment towards women.
I searched up the article on snopes.
Snopes said that the article was true.
I found the full video of the incident on X and it appeared real to me but i still need to fact check the photo of it happening.
The first photo was found on July 12 and the article I read was published on July 14 so the timeline makes sense and seems reliable.
I found a lot of different articles discussing the same thing as the article I picked so it is more likely to be real if lots of different groups of people are talking about it.
This article is true because every time I checked to see if everything was reliable it was. Snopes said it was true. The dates that Tineye gave me proved that the timelines worked and the picture was real. I saw the actual video and it looked very real and i can the Biden nibbling on the child.