break the fake pt2

Today in my edublog i am fact checking this article to see if its true

This article is about Andrew Tate getting arrested and will remain in custody

I was looking at news and i saw this, it caught my eye and i decided to pick this for my work.i will now be fact checking it now

this is a wikipedia about the news site i found the information about the arrest. this is a trusted news site but i am still gonna go on snopes to check if its true.

I used and i searched it up and locked at the information to see if it was real or fake.


In this photo we can see that it is a true article but we do not know if this whole event is staged because Andrew Tate has a lot of controversal believes and it could just be for popularity and money.


In conclusion, this article is true, and indeed the cops have revealed he is arrested and in custody. He could be getting released on February 27th, but who knows if he will get charged with more things.

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