Block four project.

  1. Connecting Core Competencies
    •  my assignment connected with critical thinking using development and design, I chose this for my assignment because  it took a lot of failed designs to find the one that works perfectly for my project, development and design related  to the electricity house project as I needed to design and develop floor plans with electrical components involved.
  2. Learning from Digital Tools
    • We had to use phet which is a tool to design electrical circuits. I learnt what to do and what not to do to make a circuit work. some of the positives of using phet where the visual designs which showed when you did something wrong like for example if you don’t put a resistor in the circuit the electrons will speed up in movement and the battery will practically explode. some negatives where that  it wouldn’t auto save.
  3. Application in Other Courses
    • If you end up majoring in physics you can use this for electrical circuit design, with its easy to use format and visual que’s.

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