Core Competencies


In my French 11 class I had a project where I had to demonstrate my abilities to effectively instruct the class on how to play games and do activities. This project involved teaching the class different games where i had to explain to them how to play it and the rules. For this project I had to figure out how to explain the instructions in a way where the people would understand it without any trouble and find answers to any questions they did have. In completing this project I learned, I connected with others and shared ideas with a large group of people.

Critical thinking:

In my French 11 class I had another project where with a group we had to create activities that involved Haiti’s culture to teach our class about the country, to create these activities I had to use my critical thinking to find unique ways I could connect different activities to Haiti’s culture. This meant I needed a deep understanding of Haitian culture and traditions as well as its languages and history. Then once we learned about these topics we then came together and create activities to help the class learn about are chosen country. This project helped my group and I develop ideas together to make our class to deeper understanding of Haiti.


Core competencies assessment

In the following paragraphs I will use an example of a time I used a core competency to show that I am able to efficiently use them


In my CLE-10 class, I did this mock job interview, which was an excellent example of communication because I demonstrated that I can confidently respond to my employer’s questions with well thought out responses that showed my confidence as well as my ability to simulate an interview which helped me get 93% in the assignment. This taught me how to make connections with a superior to create a deep and meaningful conversation where both parties could get what they wanted. A way I can further improve my communication skills is by continuing to practice my skills with semi formal presentation where I don’t use a script so I can practice my public speaking skills and my confidence. In the document provided below is how I responded to the questions during the interview.

MateoR_Les questions d’entrevue à pratiquer_Bloc2

Creative thinking:

In my English 10 class, I did a collage project for a book called “Indian horse” which was an excellent example of creative thinking because I was able to create a collage that with pictures, colours and quotes was able to convey the emotions and story of the main character in the book. Additionally, I also had to use my creative thinking skills to make a unique theme for the topic of collage. I can further develop my creative thinking skills by trying to create deeper and more complex ideas that will help me continue to grow and improve my skills. In the link provided below is a picture of my English collage.

Social responsability:

In my CLE-10 class, I did a YPI project where I had to find a charity and research social issue which was an excellent example of social responsibility because with this assignment, we must initiate positive change for others which was helping people learn about our food bank and what they can do to support its efforts. Additionally, if we win the competition which involves presenting our charity in front of judges, we have the chance to win 5000$ which can have a major impact on supporting our charity and helping those in need of food. A way I can further improve this skill is by finding more ways to help my community because in doing this I would be able to support more people and create more positive changes for others in my community. In the link provided below is how I will teach people about my charity and how they can help.

YPI Good Copy

Are nurses being overworked?

What is the overall topic and the goal of my project? 

The overall goal of my project was to see if nurses were being overworked in Canada. I wanted to show how unfairly nurses were being treated by their increased workload that is making them overworked. The graphs I have shown show the increase in nurses’ workload as well as them their worsening opinion of how they are being treated 

What sites did you use to collect your data and create the infographic and what did you learn about it? 

I learned that nurses are being overworked due to the increase of people being sick during covid so each nurse must take care of more patients than they normally should and that there needs to be a solution to help the nurses. The sources I used are Canadian medical association journal, EBSCO, and Gale. 

How has the process of utilizing these sites impacted your understanding of how technology can change (or help) the world? 

Concerning my topic, technology will be able to help nurses not have burnout by using technology to learn how to lower stress levels and to keep their minds off work. It can also help them by understanding what other nurses think to get them to unite and improve their work conditions, decreasing their burnout. 


Go. (n.d.). Access my library – gale. (n.d.-a).

Duong, D., & Vogel, L. (2023, February 27). Overworked health workers are “past the point of exhaustion.” CMAJ.,jobs%20within%20the%20next%20year.