Take your kids to work day blog

For my take your kid to work day I went with my mom to the hospital.

This is a picture of a bed that they use for their sickest and most hurt patients that arrive in ambulances.


In this bed they will attach wires to you stomach to monitor your heart rate, oxygenation and blood pressure. In this room they also can put IV’s in to the patient to add fluids, they also put breathing tubes in the patients mouth if they can’t breath by himself.

In the work environment we heard beeping on the monitors, you would hear codes being called on the speakers, you would hear doctors asking for tools to help save or better lives, nurses talking and comforting the patients during surgeries if they were under conscious anesthetics and the squeaking from stretchers being moved around the hospital. In the hospital you would smell burning flesh from the surgeons or doctors cauterizing wounds. You would also smell cleaning products used to sterilize germs in the operating room and recovery room to keep the patients from getting infections. You would see stretchers carrying patients to their rooms, you would also see doctors going to their rooms to help perform surgery or to help recovering patient.

The work environment would motivate me to get up because it helps save lives because just getting up in the morning means I could help so many people. Saving somebody would help motivate because it think that the best thig you could ever do is saving lives and if you do it all day it makes you a good person and would make me feel good everyday knowing I saved somebody’s life.


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