Welcome to Mateo’s Blog

Hi, I’m Mateo and I am a student at Charles Best Secondary School. I enjoy many things, like soccer. I play a very competitive level in soccer with my best friend. I also play on the junior team here at my favorite school, Charles Best Secondary. I also enjoy hanging out with all of my friends. They are super awesome and I like playing soccer with some of them. I also enjoy biking with my best buddies. I usually go biking at the SFU biking trails. I usually go 2 times a week with my buddies. In this blog you will find my favorite quote, my favorite YouTube clip, a very important picture that has impacted very much so and my favorite website to visit in my free time. I hope you enjoy my blog! Thank you for visiting!

My favorite quote is “With great power comes great responsibility.” This quote was said by uncle Ben in Spider Man. This is my favorite quote because it signifies that when you have power you should always keep in mind that you have to be responsible. This quote is meaningful because when you have authority over someone you should always make sure you are treating them fairly because if you were in their shoes you would want to be treated fairly.

My favorite YouTube clip is a clip of Messi dribbling through a whole team

This is my favorite YouTube clip because it shows that soccer is not all just about physicality and speed. It shows this because Messi who is smaller can dribble through a whole team just with his skill and mind. It also boosts my confidence because I am very short and not very strong so seeing someone that has a similar body to me makes me feel like I can become a professional soccer player.

ronaldo crowd siu | TikTok Search

I like this picture because I makes me happy seeing people happy and the picture inspires me to be a better soccer player and score more goals.

My favorite website to visit is google PAC-MAN


This is my favorite website to visit because I can go there when I have some free time during school or at my house to just relax and play PAC-MAN.