Welcome to Madeleine’s Blog

Welcome To Madeleine’s Official Blogging Site!

Hello, Thank you for checking my site out! I will be telling you a little bit more about myself. Throughout the years I have found many hobbies some of them are: Swimming, Drawing, Painting, Making Cat Toy’s for My Cat and Origami!

 (1) My favorite quote and why

“It doesn’t matter if you fall down, It’s whether you get back up.”

-Micheal Jordan

This quote is very meaningful to me because it represents that if you make a mistake its whether you try to fix it or you if choose not to correct it. Just because you make a mistake doesn’t mean its the end of the world its, whether you are able to make changes and keep trying/giving it your all.

  (2) My favourite Youtube video

6 QUICK Ways to Make Your Drawings BETTER – YouTube

I do a lot of drawing in my free time, so whether you are into art or are not. I wanted to show you a video that really helped me get started. I found this video very helpful because it teaches you new techniques which will help improve your drawings and help you form a baseline of knowledge.

 (3) A meaningful picture to me, and why.

Most people have pets, and they understand how impactful they can be. Ever since I have gotten my cat he had been a joy to my life. He is everything you could ask for he greets you when you come from work or school, he will come to you if he senses you are sad,  he is playful, and finally he does tricks ( Some of them are Roll over, lay down, sit and more) Having him in my life makes me look forward to coming home.

(4) My favourite website

Amazon.ca: Low Prices – Fast Shipping – Millions of Items

One of the most useful website for me is Amazon! This website has everything you need, and its have fast delivery. I’m that kind of person that will is very impatient when I’m awaiting for a package to come. I also find that you don’t have to waste time looking at the store for something that you need, but they don’t have it! Amazon has many ideas and almost all of the ideas you need.


Thank you for taking the time to ready my about me page! I hope you have a wonderful day!